Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Corner View - Miniature world


When Jane asked for suggestions last week for miniature worlds I thought ant hill off the top of my head and then what do we come across the very next day while hiking at Nahal Absor in the Negev? Dozens and dozens of anthills where gargantuan ants spend all day every day hauling bits of our world into their miniature worlds. I wish I had a picture of my thumb next to these puppies because for whatever reason, maybe the toxic chemical plant nearby, they grow bigger than your average city ant.


But not as big as these suckers. The very next evening we went out for a walk at a nearby kibbutz where they have a huge sculpture garden and we came across gigantic ants! So I had to snap those too.Before they gobbled me up!

For more miniature worlds, visit Jane's sidebar. Happy trails!


jane said...

what does it mean?... what does it mean?...:) happy travels!

la ninja said...

chemical toxic plant? ei? wtf are you, suze? look at this, then... they grow a bit manicly everywhere these days, it seems...


Andrea said...

We have flying ants that drop their wings. They are HUGE... :\
I appreciate what ants do but I get a strange feeling watching them...
Thanks for sharing!

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem said...

I have an ant on my CV too! Ants - they're taking over the world!!!

AG Ambroult said...

oh! you're still blogging! I just stopped by, but I thought you were taking a break while away. I have some catching up to do, then :)

Love the FAKE giant ants, do not love the real ones.

Ian said...

I thought of ants too, but didn't have any good ant photos. I like yours.

Annabel said...
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Annabel said...

Ants are so tiny. There scared of us, but I bet they don't know that some of us are scared of them! :)