Thursday, March 3, 2011

Growing Pains

growth chart

In between our many visits to doctor last week I had a moment of clarity and asked Mr. Rosen to take this picture before the painters wiped away the last five years of our family's growth. This is a little column wall that separates our kitchen, living and dining rooms. The prefect size to stand and be measured. This process of clearing out the house and getting it and ourselves ready for the next era has been an exciting and worthwhile process. Everything about it feels right. And yet, when I stopped to think about this wall and how much we've grown, the kids mostly taller and me, on and off more rotund, I almost start to weep. When we moved in here I was four months pregnant with our eldest. And seven years later I am six months pregnant with our third. This is the house where we grew a family. Where Mr. Rosen and I grew into parents. Where we grew professionally and spiritually and personally. And the kids grew to be able to reach the counter, the sink, the light switch, the cookie jar. And still growing. All of us.

ps. If anyone knows of any cute measurement posters, send a link. Mr. Rosen copied down all of the measurements for transfer to something we can actually take with us.


painted fish studio said...

sniff. i'm sad for you... but really excited for what's next!

AG Ambroult said...

Yes, I feel you. I dream of the day we can i move to greener pastures, yet just the thought of leaving all those memories behind makes me shutter. When my parents moved out of the house i lived in my entire life (just a few years ago), they forgot to preserve their growth chart wall before the painters came in, and it was gone. Sigh. I don't even think they cared, they were so happy to be downsizing. But what about me, dammit?

Desert Savta said...

The two of you created that beautiful house, space, family and it has been our joy to watch and share with you. May the next stage be at least as good, if not better.

Lori said...

I feel the same as Jen. Sad for you but so excited for what is next xoxo

Anonymous said...

hi Susie! I've been keeping up with all the exciting news in your life- the third! the move! to Israel! I'm so happy for you. And now you've choked me up. So well said. Thinking of you :) Linda

aimee said...

moving.... it's so exciting... and heartbreaking too. let's catch up soon!

Mickey Keenan said...

Honestly, there are many generic growth charts out there... but think, you created these children, and you are an artist, time to create the next family growth chart....