Friday, September 5, 2008

Meeting of the minds

In celebration of two major milestones, my 100th blog entry and my 35th birthday (gasp!) I am inviting local readers (all three of you) to join me for birthday coffee on Sunday September 7th at the Starbucks on the corner of El Camino Real and El Monte in Mountain View at 9:00 am. If no one shows up, I will just drink my java and read a magazine and enjoy my hour to myself. BUT I would love to meet those of you who are available. I will not have my kids with me, though you are welcome to bring yours (especially the kind that still sit in their carseats and sleep a lot). This is a major thing for me as I am usually quite shy and misanthropic (just kidding - sort of).

Looking forward to meeting/seeing you (special call out to Jessica, Linda, Jenni H., Rebeca, Veronica, Claire, Clara...)



Anonymous said...

Just need a clarification here- Do you mean Saturday (the 7th) or Sunday (the 8th). I'm assuming you mean Sunday, but just want to make sure.

How exciting! I'm going to try to be there sans kids- just need to clear it with the husband. Will you be wearing a funny hat? Or leiderhosen? Or a nametag? :) I'm kidding) Happy Birthday!

Susie Lubell said...

Yippee! Confirming for Sunday September 7th. Monday the 8th is my actual birthday. So I know Sunday is the 7th.

I have short brown hair and freckles. And if I remember I will bring one of my duaghter's stuffed rats (julio) to put on the table. Then everyone else will keep away from us.

Anonymous said...

And then I consulted a calendar. I'm sorry to confuse the situation! Yes, Sunday is the 7th. Saturday is the 6th, and I'm losing it.

consulted with the husband and I am in! Your julio the rat comment made me lol. I will be on the lookout.

See you Sunday at 9am!

Jessica said...

Count me in! I'll be the tall blonde in an overcoat and sunglasses. Okay, you caught me. I'm also a brunette with freckles. See you there, my fellow Virgo!

Anonymous said...

balgamalga says:
Let's see, if I leave now I can be at Starbucks by 10 p.m. tonight; I'll just hang out until everyone shows up. I'll be the old bitty with the veinte coffee with 10 shots in it and the sagging boobs. So happy you're all getting together; wish I could be a fly on the wall (or a"morning bun" in the showcase!) Have fun and happy b-day. r.l.